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Not your ordinary sides, this is Cinema Slaw. 

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What we DO

We create and record custom audition sides that focus on you being the star.


Never had a role just for you? Here is your chance! Big name actors build a name, a brand, and directors cast them in their movies, for who they are and what they bring to the silverscreen. What is your brand? Are you a Comical cowboy or maybe an extraterrestrial humanoid. We will work with you one on one to find the perfect formula to find your voice and acting style. Use every tool in your arsenal and hone in your craft. Take the role, Be the star, and take yourself to the next level! 

Let's Slaw

Our team will work with you to find what strengths you want to portray and help make casting realize you are the perfect person for the role. Stop struggling to find sides and let us turn your stale sides into Cinema Slaw.

My name is Damien D. Bell and I was raised in Lawndale California. I graduated from UCSB where I studied film and media. I started my career in commercial and theatrical acting. I learned that I didn't care for being in front of the camera but I wanted to control it. I have been writing for 10+ years and have won numerous screenwriting contest. I have a background in post-production and film. I have worked in the trailer industry for several years doing coloring and trailer editing. I started this service because I love to help people and I want to change the way people think about sides. I live by the motto of “how bad do you want it,” and I want it bad! 


Who is Damien D. Bell!?

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